March 17, 2015

My Old Jalopy

A Bundle of Woe!
If you read literature, you would know the four stages in a play.

There is firstly, the exposition. Setting the stage so it seems with its background,place and time. The main players are introduced particularly the protagonist and antagonist.

Then, there are the events and issues that set the story moving forward-which is the second stage. It moves frenziedly upwards and hots up until a climax is reached-a breaking point-where your heart is in  your mouth-the third stage. Slowly the issues find some form of mitigation or solution and the excitement starts to dissipate-falling action-fourth stage. Finally we plateau off at the end--on the same level ground as the exposition which is the resolution stage. It's the all's well that ends well-so it seems.

But how does this relate to my car-this old jalopy that has started to be cranky-cranking up maintenance bills the likes I have seen in a long,long time.

The exposition is obviously when I bought this little baby from the shop. Then it purred like a cat as it took me on fun rides and to places ever so conveniently. It was economy in fuel and maintenance. That was the rising action. The climax is when it starts bringing mechanical problem and hit the pocket hard. Falling action is when you decide to dispose of it before it becomes an albatross around the neck. Resolution is purchasing a new car with some of the money when you sold the old jalopy. So,it's happy days again. (Even though, you have taken on a new debt!)

But, not for me.....

This old jalopy is estimated to fetch only RM 3,000 if I sell it.

But the bills for maintenance is horrendous. About 8 months ago, I bought 4 new replacement tyres, Four months back, I paid for major repairs amounting to RM 850. Last month the battery kaput!

Today, I serviced the car at RM 168 and was for-warned by my mechanic to get a stand-by cash of RM 1,100 to do major replacement of my-steering parts and its housing as well as both the front suspension-for my safety and convenience. Also its time to change the automatic transmission oil which has gone pretty dirty. This will cost another RM 200.

At the rate, I am repairing this car, it will only eat me out of home and house!

Is there already an albatross around my neck hanging like a millstone?

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