March 19, 2015

22 for USM Dinner on 19th March 2015

The Group Photo

We initially got 24 persons who replied that they could attend this dinner function.

As the date drew nearer, 4 of our friends could not attend due to commitments or health reasons.

Bala was indisposed as he had a mouth injury while Kooi Ming had to go back to Sitiawan to see his mother. As for Jenny, she had a last minute invitation to a close relative's wedding which she could just not put off. Finally, Ah Kew was advised by the doctor not to travel as his health markers were not too good.

Chia and Heng

What was unique this time around was we had for the first time the attendance of Rani as well as Jimmy Fook.

As usual, there was much sharing and Lay Chooi suggested that we have another bigger do since this is the 40th year since we left USM.

We have decided that a good date would be somewhere in July.

Kee Teck, Saw Aim and Kenneth

Chew Kong Huat sponsored the dinner. We thanked him and his missus.

After dinner, a group of us adjourned for teh-tarik before calling it a night.

The friends who attended  were:

Lee Kee Teck
Ang Saw Aim
Chew Kong Huat
Mrs Chew
Toh Chee Kiang
Tan Lee Kiang
Richard Leow
Chan Yau Kok
Thoong Lay Chooi
Lai Poh Guat
Lee Saik Tat
Bernard Yeo
Yeoh Gim Ooi
Derek Teh
Catherine Yeang
Chin Swee Pin
Chia Kwang Chye
Ooi Say Chuan
Jimmy Fook

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