This cartoon piece speaks volumes for the politician.
Perspectives of current issues, milestones of the author's life and snippets from everywhere
March 30, 2015
March 29, 2015
March 28, 2015
Ong Lai Yuen-Gone to be with the Lord
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Lai Yuen Departs |
She was one of the closest to our family from the ex-CG Group of DUMC.
I remembered her fondly especially with her loving husband Eric Wong who brought her to eat the best food in the Klang Valley. They were one happy loving couple!
She was blessed with two children, Raymond and Wayne.
While Raymond was able to move forward and become a successful businessmen, Wayne who had "health problems" all his life devoted himself to the church.
Confronted with much challenges, Lai Yuen fought cancer for some ten years before finding remission.
Not the best of health, she oftentimes found herself at UH.
On 19th March, she checked into UH as she was unwell.
Slowly, her internal organs started shutting down and she went to the Lord at 6 am on 26 March 2015.
I got the news almost at midnight on 26th March.
On 27 March, along with Jon, I went to the wake. I spoke on the kindness of Lai Yuen in my eulogy.
We contributed RM 50 pakam before leaving for home after the wake service.
Lai Yuen was 72 when she left us. She was cremated today, 28 March 2015.
I know she is now in a better place with the Lord.
March 26, 2015
A Midnight Gift
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What a friend! |
My benefactor called me just before midnight. He had something for me.
So he came by the house and gave me a smart-phone-a Lenovo.
I guess I owe him a fat obligation to learn how to use Whats apps and to be more technology-savvy from now on.
March 19, 2015
22 for USM Dinner on 19th March 2015
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The Group Photo |
As the date drew nearer, 4 of our friends could not attend due to commitments or health reasons.
Bala was indisposed as he had a mouth injury while Kooi Ming had to go back to Sitiawan to see his mother. As for Jenny, she had a last minute invitation to a close relative's wedding which she could just not put off. Finally, Ah Kew was advised by the doctor not to travel as his health markers were not too good.
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Chia and Heng |
What was unique this time around was we had for the first time the attendance of Rani as well as Jimmy Fook.
As usual, there was much sharing and Lay Chooi suggested that we have another bigger do since this is the 40th year since we left USM.
We have decided that a good date would be somewhere in July.
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Kee Teck, Saw Aim and Kenneth |
Chew Kong Huat sponsored the dinner. We thanked him and his missus.
After dinner, a group of us adjourned for teh-tarik before calling it a night.
The friends who attended were:
Lee Kee Teck
Ang Saw Aim
Chew Kong Huat
Mrs Chew
Toh Chee Kiang
Tan Lee Kiang
Richard Leow
Chan Yau Kok
Thoong Lay Chooi
Lai Poh Guat
Lee Saik Tat
Bernard Yeo
Yeoh Gim Ooi
Derek Teh
Catherine Yeang
Chin Swee Pin
Chia Kwang Chye
Ooi Say Chuan
Jimmy Fook
March 17, 2015
My Old Jalopy
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A Bundle of Woe! |
There is firstly, the exposition. Setting the stage so it seems with its background,place and time. The main players are introduced particularly the protagonist and antagonist.
Then, there are the events and issues that set the story moving forward-which is the second stage. It moves frenziedly upwards and hots up until a climax is reached-a breaking point-where your heart is in your mouth-the third stage. Slowly the issues find some form of mitigation or solution and the excitement starts to dissipate-falling action-fourth stage. Finally we plateau off at the end--on the same level ground as the exposition which is the resolution stage. It's the all's well that ends well-so it seems.
But how does this relate to my car-this old jalopy that has started to be cranky-cranking up maintenance bills the likes I have seen in a long,long time.
The exposition is obviously when I bought this little baby from the shop. Then it purred like a cat as it took me on fun rides and to places ever so conveniently. It was economy in fuel and maintenance. That was the rising action. The climax is when it starts bringing mechanical problem and hit the pocket hard. Falling action is when you decide to dispose of it before it becomes an albatross around the neck. Resolution is purchasing a new car with some of the money when you sold the old jalopy. So,it's happy days again. (Even though, you have taken on a new debt!)
But, not for me.....
This old jalopy is estimated to fetch only RM 3,000 if I sell it.
But the bills for maintenance is horrendous. About 8 months ago, I bought 4 new replacement tyres, Four months back, I paid for major repairs amounting to RM 850. Last month the battery kaput!
Today, I serviced the car at RM 168 and was for-warned by my mechanic to get a stand-by cash of RM 1,100 to do major replacement of my-steering parts and its housing as well as both the front suspension-for my safety and convenience. Also its time to change the automatic transmission oil which has gone pretty dirty. This will cost another RM 200.
At the rate, I am repairing this car, it will only eat me out of home and house!
Is there already an albatross around my neck hanging like a millstone?
March 12, 2015
Biting the Bullet?
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Winds of Change? |
There is also a vindication of our DPM and Education Minister that our heads cannot forever remain deep in the ground of feign ignorance.
It has come to pass. Muhyiddin at once admitted that he was shocked with the poor performance of Malaysian students in international assessment tests, despite the tons of money we have spent on education.
If, in the past, he has praised the system, today he has courageously called 'a spade a spade'.
Reports of assessment like Programme for International Student Assessment (Pisa) and Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) showed that the performance of Malaysian students were consistently not up to par.
Even though, our students on the surface appeared 'smart' as testified by our education system, sadly when they are asked to perform in international assessments, they failed to show that prowess. In such international assessments, Malaysian students lagged in the bottom one-third.
The Education Minister seems to have accepted the reality that something is not right with our students particularly the system that has cultured them.
In his speech today at a school in Shah Alam, though he believes that our education standards seemed alright, it is certainly not good enough.
The education system of Malaysia have seen more brickbats than accolades in international comparisons.
According to Pisa's 2012 results, Malaysian students scored below average and ranked 52 out of the 65 countries. In contrast, students in Vietnam ranked 17 out of 65.
– March 13, 2015.
The Positive Truth
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Innocence |
Never ask for a lighter rain
Just pray to God for a better umbrella.
That is the attitude!
Life is not about finding the right person
But creating the right relationship.
It's not how we care in the beginning
But how much we care till the very end.
Some people always throw stones in your path
It depends on what you make with them
A Wall or a Bridge?
Remember you are the architect of your life.
Search for a good heart
But don't search for a beautiful face
Because beautiful things are not always good
But good things are always beautiful.
It’s not important to hold all the good cards in life
But it’s important how well you play with the cards you hold.
Often when we lose all hope & think this is the end
Remember God and pray
It’s just a bend, not the end.
Have faith and have a successful life.
One of the basic differences between God and humans is
God gives, gives and forgives.
But human gets, gets, gets and forgets.
Be thankful in life.
If you think it is your alarm clock that woke you up this morning
Try putting it beside a dead body
And you will realise that it is by the Grace of God
That woke you up.
March 09, 2015
What Will LPI's price ex-Bonus?
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Riding A Curve Ball of Profits |
Today's AGM and EGM meetings of LPI was certainly fast and furious.
It started at 11 am and the whole thing including the extraordinary meeting finished just before 12 noon.
As usual, after the highlights of the financial year and the MSWG questions, you get only praises for Teh Hong Piow and how much money LPI is making from year to year.
So, the bonus of 1:2 has been approved by capitalising the reserves.
After a sharp fall of more than 50 sen in the morning, LPI settled at a price of RM 22 when trading stopped at 5 pm.
The bonus will go ex on 20th March and the entitlement date will be 24 March.
What would be the ex-bonus price of LPI be?
For a person holding 1000 shares, he will receive another 500 units.
RM 22,000 divided by 1,500 units comes to possibly RM 14.66 per share.
Anything above that price will be a bonanza.
Assuming that LPI goes ex- bonus at RM 15, that means a 1,500 holdings will fetch RM 22,500.
RM 500 is a small bonanza.
March 07, 2015
MOSTE Dinner 7th March 2015
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Extra Supertanker Restaurant at The Club Bukit Utama |
Though we had a long lead time for planning this dinner, the fall-out could be felt. From 14 persons who answered in the affirmative, we had three 'casualties' during the 24 to 48 hours.
First casualty was Ooi who came down with some health problems. Then Prof Thiru had some social engagement. Today, at the 11th hour, Daniel text that he just could not make it at the last minute.
Thank God, Boon Khee managed to whittled down the food to 11 persons.
The food was ordered by Siok Eng and Boon Khee and it was a fresh spread suitable for our palate.
The first dish was a plate of grouper fish which was cooked to just the right texture. Taste was excellent.
Next came the tiger prawns and they did not disappoint.
Chive leaves and mushroom was next on the menu. Taste was also up to expectations.
The venison cooked with a slight pinch of pepper was magnificent.
The braised pork that was served subsequently was singularly great.
The kungfu chao of noodles and vermicelli was also up to the mark.
Dato' Leong brought some bottles of red wine and we all hade a swell time enjoying the fullness and goodness of it.
Before we left, we tipped the waitress RM 20 and promised to meet again in three months' time.
Those who attended are:
Tan Choo Lan
Lily Hor
Cindy Tan
Dato' Cheah
Loh Koh Fook
SK Soo
Teo Boon Khee
Kam Teik Beng
Dato Dr. Yap
March 05, 2015
Looking Closely of Risks for Malaysia
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Let us look at six indicators.
Side Effects from surge in financial volatility- High Possibility. This will invite capital reversals, the depreciation of the ringgit and falling export volumes. In the medium term the high share of foreign holdings in sovereign and BNM securities should be off-set by domestic buying. On the policy domain, stabilise the exchange rate as a shock absorber, provide liquidity support while temporary fiscal consolidation should be mounted upon well-targeted areas of the economy.
Financial Imbalances- in the medium term, the likelihood will be capital inflows and pressure on the exchange rate. Also there could be growth in leverage. On the low to medium scale, the high household and corporate debt will continue to make Malaysia vulnerable to external shocks. The recommended policy measures would include quickening the pace of fiscal consolidation, taking on macro-prudential measures while monitoring shadow banking.
Persistent Dollar Strength-In the medium term,disorderly readjustments can affect trade channels, cause contagion effects as well as result in capital outflows. As external debt are mostly in local currency, risk is low to medium. Also, on the positive side, it has been a practice to hedge by local resident companies. The policy instrument would be to stabilize the exchange rate as a shock absorber.
Protracted Slower Growth in Advanced Economies and Emerging Markets-The likelihood and transmission of such risks is high. It may affect trade and result in second round adverse effects on domestic demand. The expected impact is expected from low to medium. It would likely dampen domestic demand, lower growth, diminish housing and asset values and weaken corporate, banking and sovereign balance sheets. Policies for adoption would include adjustment to a slower rate of growth, start-up upon infrastructure projects as well as implement structural reforms.
Implementation Risks with GST-There exist the possibility of a low to medium risk with implementation of GST that could adversely affect the credibility of fiscal policies. On the risk impact side, this can result in higher financing costs,high public debt, public debt sustainability issues and potential sovereign downgrades which can then result in capital outflows. Counter- cyclical measures will have less effects. The exchange rate can be relied upon as a shock absorber.
Sharp Decline in House prices-The real economy could be affected by weaker household and banking balance sheets;there would be negative wealth and low confidence. The medium term risks takes the form of high household debt at 86% of GDP; of which 50% are mortgages. Policy initiative should include easing of monetary policy, having a flexible exchange rate as well as the provision of fiscal stimulus to support growth.
March 01, 2015
Being 63
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By the Grace of God! |
Time sure flies!
And what do you know?
Today, I turn 63 on the Gregorian calendar.
Sharing blessings of the day with me are my elder sister and a close friend, Lena.
I received an angpow from my Mother as well as another from my sister, Shaline.
Looking back, there are days of goodness and days I just want to forget.
No great feats though and really no calamitous occasions to fret too!
Generally, my life continues to be blessed by God Almighty.
I thank him for His Grace,Provision and Favour.
May 2015 be a great year for me and my family!