February 20, 2014

Two Koreas and Thailand-Different Strokes

Yes, these two photographs paints a diametrical different picture of political systems. The first picutre is that fo a tearful reunion as the two Koreas allowed a special occasion for long lost family members from either side to meet briefly after the country went to two different ways.

in the photo below, South Korean Park Yang-gon (right) hugs his North Korean brother who was abducted by North korea buring the 1950 Korea War. This crying reunion was held at Mount Kumgang resort in North Korea. Some 100 South Koreans crossed the world's most heavily fortified border for the occasion. (February 21st, 2014)

How precious art thou!
The second shows Farmer power as tractors moved down the thoroughfare in Bangkok against  PM Yingluck Sinawatra 

Battle Formation of  a Convoy of Tractors
In battle formation, tractors and other agricultural vehicles clogged the road in Ang Thong province heading towards Bangkok's Suvanabhumi Airport.                

What a contrast!

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