February 21, 2014

MOSTE's 3rd Dinner (21 Feb 2014)

Sweet Wine of Life
Expect some dropping out at the last minute.

First, it was Jini who went down with a sore-throat and a possible flu. Unfortunately, he could not recover in time for dinner after his trip to Natuna.

Then, it was GL Ooi who went down with flu on the day of this dinner.

The others who could not make it were Dato' Ti, Dato' Chang; and Lawrence Sii who got saddled with some last minute domestic obligations.

The dinner went on well and despite having met two times earlier, the warmth of friendship continued to blaze ever strongly.

The bottles of drinks brought by generous souls enliven further the camaraderie among friends who have not seen each other for such as long time. We have Lee Choon Ming, Lily Hor, Jenny Tan and Low Chun Choi for the first time with us.

Though the food needs improvement, we have a great time on the karaoke machine with Dato' Leong, Choon Ming and myself. We should not be economical with the machine the next time as it is paid for in our package.

The dinner ended past 11 pm with even a suggestion from Frederick  that the next dinner be held in Sibu, Sarawak. Food for thought.

A great bonding time until the next dinner meet in 3 month's time.

Those who attended included:

Dato' Leong
Dato' Cheah
Dato' Yap
Frederick Wong
Tan Meng Leng
Goh Siok Eng
Lily Hor
Jenny Tan
Patrick Tan
Wong Choon Ming
Chee Kin San
Prof. Thiru
Lee Heng Keng
Daniel Chew
Kam Teik Beng
Robert Foong
Teo Boon Khee
Low Choon Choi

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