January 31, 2013

The Death and Death of MCA in Johore

The Short Good-bye
With the recent Ponggol by-election win in Singapore by the Opposition in the city state, can we expect also such a turning in the  hinterland state of neighbouring Malaysia?

At the current moment, less than 40 days from the potential dissolution of the Johore State Assembly, there are no strong indicators that MCA has done anything that is substantive and significant to change the perception of the Chinese people in Johore. The best scenario is confirmed death to the party. No coroner is required

Why so?

The current crop of leaders such as the MCA President and his son as well as the other leaders in Johor continues to play second fiddle to the goliathic juggernaut brother, the ride-roughshod-over-you UMNO which continues to treat the sterile MCA as a good for nothing party except to take away potential UMNO seats. The best thing, these MCA leaders can do---continue to appear unperturbed, moribund and in hibernation mode;obviously oblivious to Chinese issues and its urgent resolution.

As long at the Chinese itch is not scratched, MCA will lose almost every seat it cares to stand.

The battle is set. The only thing to happen soon is engagement... and the resultant bloody nose for MCA.

There will be no Roland nor a horn for Roland to blow for quick rescue!

As a party without any great surviving leaders nor any promising second-echelon replacement, its bye-bye MCA.

Will you rest ten thousand years. 

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