January 31, 2013

Bridesmaids-On the Side of Female Melodrama

The Bridesmaids and their own exploits
The is a really a hen-party of a movie.

A maid of honour and a bridesmaid competed in one up-manship to plan a wedding of their friend, Lilian.

Beginning with  the hilarity of an engagement party that really went uncomfortable when Helen (Rose Byrne) competed with Annie Walker (Kristin Wiig) to show their close friendship with the Lilian, it went into  high note with the group literally crapping at a dress selection event due to food poisoning, then it soared to a  high drama unfolding on a flight with Annie going cuckoo and finally, Annie causing a rampage at a bachelorette party.

Rose by any other name....
While most part of the movie of predictable and lack zing, there were some smart dialogue.

Smart  Aussie Charm
The persona played by Kristin Wiig as the unfortunate lass in love and Rose Byrne  as the unsatiated wife in social disguise were brilliantly played.

It is great to see the vivacious Rose playing a softer role and a comical one at that.

Some dull moments but generally  good fare.

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