January 27, 2013

Najib Razak-The Final Outing?

The Devils Within; the Enemy Without
It does not matter what dates are being speculated or set finally for the dissolution of Parliament or when will the 13th GE be held.

The writings could possibly be on the wall in plain sight for all to see.

So, with all the negative vibes surrounding BN's chances of coming in better than 2008 dissipating, what would you think Premier Najib would do?

Let us assume you are in Najib's shoes- what is your best strategy out?

There is that huge opposition out there showing more resilience despite some fall-outs. They have mended fences and are showing solidarity 60 days before the impending elections.

Then there is that 'potential cloak and dagger agenda ' within UMNO particularly as factions jockey to get  ahead of each other. The Premier, is very much aware of these people- his Brutuses and Nemesis-though the public can only speculate.

The best strategy is to go all out on a personal basis-a one man army driving the BN. So, we see Najib-- Obama-like-- moving like a whirlwind to touch base with the people almost everywhere his energy can bring him.

The goodies have been announced and some have been disbursed.

Next, choose only the candidates who are above board and have shown loyalty. The more new faces especially professionals would be better.

The MACC would be seen as an independent filter. Second and third-echelon leaders  will possibly be decimated from candidature; thus depriving  anti-Najib faction national leaders who will be given seats but with the ground being cut away from them.

By doing this, perhaps the sitting Premier can have a better chance of retaining the Federal Government and yet keep " the wolves at bay' in his party until the next UMNO elections.

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