January 28, 2013

Hope Springs and Re-blossoms

Love's Second Chance!
This movie, " Hope Springs" documents a dysfunctional marriage between Arnold and Kay Soames.

Trying to bring  the zing back into their love and sex life, Kay challenged Arnold to leave for Maine for a  consultation with a marriage counselor in the small ocean town of Grand Hope Springs.

After more than 30 years and living their lives in a rut from day to day, through these consultations, they fumbled but managed to rekindle romance and took baby steps to renew their love for each other.

Though difficult to reconcile where their love have gone, open communication through the sessions would eventually bring the essence of true love back into the life of this elderly couple.

There is so many lessons to learn from this one film.

Tommy Lee Jones, Meryl Streep and Steve Carrel steered the film to a most satisficing ending.

Do not miss it!

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