May 05, 2012

My Father's 87th Milestone

By 8.45 am, my sister S and I were on our way back to Malacca for my Father's 87th Birthday lunch. Traffic was light today.

I am fortunate that my brother JC planned it on Wesak Day as I do not have to cancel my classes nor get a substitute teacher for my classes at the nearby tuition centre.

Though not everyone turned out like last last year to mark the occasion,the spirit was high as well this year around.

JC and his missus brought a cheese-cake as we sang the Birthday song for my daddy.

Food was just so-so but it was pretty expensive. We cut it three ways and the amount came to RM143.00 each.

Saying goodbye to daddy, we made our way back to reach PJ before 5 pm.

Good drive in a Viva Elite.

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