May 05, 2012

Dirty Dozen Revisited

It took me two days to watch this one great movie of all times.

A bunch of murderous convicts hand picked to destroy an R and R resort for the German generals in World War Two makes for an interesting plot line.

With the participation of macho actors like Lee Marvin, Jim Brown, Telly Savalas, Trini Lopez, Donald Sutherland and Charles Bronson, expect top notch action as they toss in their brand of mayhem on Hitler's Gestapo and the German Imperial generals.

As usual things go awry from the first to die in the parachute drop to the intra team shoot-out between Telly Savalas who played a Bible-toting and death to women persona and Jim Brown who had to mow Telly down before he goes off to create more disaster to their precision plan.

The training bit was fun and the real action, dynamite!

Great film for a revisit on a cold, rainy day.

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