March 29, 2010

The Ten Most Expensive Paintings

These are the 10 most expensive paintings in the world. Have a look at them. Do you concur?

1. Portrait of Adele Bloch-Gustave Klint

2. Garcon a la Pipe-Picasso

3. Dora Maar with Cat-Picasso

4. Portrait of Dr. Gachet-Vincent van Gogh

5. Bal Au Moulin Pierre Auguste-Renoir


6. The Massacre of the Innocents-Peter Paul Ruben

7. Portrait de Artiste sans Barbe-Van Gogh

8. Rideau Cruncheon  et Compotier-Paul Cezanne

9.Femme Aux Bras Croisses-Picasso

10.Irises - Vincent van Gogh

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