March 29, 2010

MCA: Expect a Dog Bite Cat World Out There

"To err is human,to forgive divine?"

After a tumultuous fight for the top posts where barbs and dirty linens were flung into the open through the media,do you think that the winners can forget easily?

Dr. Chua today holds the upper hand. He will decide on the spoils which are the Cabinet positions, the deputy minister-ships, parliamentary secretaries and senatorships.

Whether Dr. Chua becomes a Cabinet minister or not will not become an issue .If he is given, he should not turn it down as PM has faith in him as a BN component party head. If he should turn it down, it would not reflect well on him as it will definitely make him ineffective not being a member of the Cabinet.

My guess is he will accept the Cabinet position if offered. And I think Najib will offer him that since it looks like the VCD issue did not feature at all in the countdown of this MCA election and Dr. Chua taking over as  the MCA president.

Also, there is no way he can allow that limelight in the Cabinet to be given to Liow Tiong Lai,a likely pretender to the throne the next time around.

As for Ong Tee Kiat, I think he can start getting the packers to come by to collect his personal effects. Kong will likely stay on as The Minister of Local Government and Housing in an appointed party post and Dr. Ng Yen Yen will remain  in Tourism. As for Liow Tiong Lai, he will be shunted to the Transport ministry to face the PKFTZ scandal while Dr. Chua reclaim his Health Ministry. With that, all the Cabinet positions available will be nicely filled up.

Let us look at the lower positions available.

Qualitatively, those who supported Dr. Chua in the elections wil be elevated into more important Deputy Minister's posts. Senatorships will be offered to some of them. Chew Mei Fun and Dr. Wee Ka Siong may be in trouble. For Chew Mei Fun, it is best she resigns from the Wanita's top position to save herself the embarrassment as well as Dr. Chua the trouble to remove her as a Deputy Minister and subsequently as a senator as well. As for Wee Ka Siong,it depends on whether he wants to stick to Liow's style of open confrontation or not. If so, he may have to go too especially with the Kuala Dimensi issue still haunting him.

As for the running of the MCA and politics from now on , expect Dato' Liow and his group to pretend to work with the Presidents' men. Behind all the smiling,head nodding  and hand-shaking,the shadow tells.

It will definitely going to be a dog and cat fight all the way until the 13th General election.

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