June 23, 2017

The Halcyon Days with Huzaimah

Hu ...that's Who!

Huzaimah may have picked some 'sounds' during USM days....perhaps even a legacy....

You never know a person except when you get up close and personal.

What you have here is a Puritan...meaning  the ethics of hard work and industry.

In some way, I was a family friend then...saw the children growing up;took care of her home when she went to Chelsea.

How we chuckled when she and the late Saadah Din bought travelling tickets from FLY NOW PAY LATER!

We worked together at the Ministry of Youth... into the nights where I had to guide Hu to the car-park as Hu is blind in one eye.

We were always in contact, if not personally then on the Whatsapp.

Now, she is in pain... possibly from a soft tissue condition.

Underwent an operation about 4 days ago. Sven hours long.

Hope God is kind to Hu and had guided the doctors to wisely excised all malignant tissues.

Pray God will ensure it's localized and have all been isolated.

Sedated most of the time, this is no time for a visit at HKL.

Possibly in another 7 days.

Meanwhile lets commit Sister Hu in all our daily prayers and prayerfully seek His  Blessings and protection for the full restoration of Huzaimah's health.


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