June 03, 2016

BOMBA! Highly Irresponsible!

Yes, these people have no brains!

BOMBA people - these nuts!

Trouble Makers-Numbskulls?
Frightened me out of my wits this morning.

Here, we were happily parked in E-Curve this morning at 9 am.

We had an hour or so to get ready to leave the building as I had to ferry my missus to One Utama to take the Aeroline bus to Penang.

Horrors of horrors!!

All the parking exits where shuttered.

No way out!

Anxiety syndrome sets in.

E-Curve guards were clueless when these nincompoop BOMBA idiots will finish their sudden spot checks!

Irresponsible Bunglers?
Coordination among the guards to let us out was almost an exercise in futility!

We had about 25 minute to make for the bus station.

Will the bus leave us? What can we do do then?

Nothing but to pray to God.

Thank God, our prayers were answered.

From the Curve we hit the Bukit Utama route and short cut through Ferringham.

Traffic was good and we arrived at One Utama with about less than 10 minutes to spare.

A day of suspense turned jubilant.

Praise the Lord!

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