November 29, 2015

First MHS Lunch at Cititel Cafe on 7 October 2015

The ladies had their little secret topics, I am sure...

From left to right: Heng,Yakob, Penny Devahi, Fang Lan, Mr. Teh, Aktar and Dato' Sohan

Sohan and Aktar in animated conversation

We had a luncheon for our Form 6 classmates at the Cititel Cafe in Midvalley City on 7 October 2015.

We were fortunate to have Devahi and husband, Aktar, Fang Lan and husband, Mr Teh, Penny Yeo, Dato' Sohan Singh and Yakob. Imagine meeting some of our friends after some 45 years hiatus.

We shared the old times and promised to meet again sometime soon. We all had a wonderful time. We had a good time talking about the things  that had happened to us since 1971.Most of us have retired. Devahi and Aktar are still in legal practice while Dato' Sohan runs a successful real estate business and timber consultancy. I informed them that I was doing a little  English tuition while Yakob is doing some part-time consultancy as well.

Here are some of the photos and a video of that meeting.

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