January 21, 2015

You Only Live Twice-Tan Hoo Passes On

I guess I can call him a good acquaintance.

Our paths did cross way back in the early 1980's.

Seconded from the Ministry of Health, Tan Hoo was involved in sewage projects in such places like Sungkai and Lunas. We were looking to upgrade the pit latrine systems.

He was an affable guy, telling me about the stories when he was studying overseas. The interesting one was how he dived to harvest abalone in Australia. Or was it New Zealand?

His favourite expletive was, "No Shit!"

He got his Datukship when he became Director-General on the Health Services Department of the Ministry of Housing

You Only Lived Twice?

Yes, when he was renting a house and reading the Sunday papers in Section 17,  a bullet graced his forehead after ricocheting off his wall. It was a shot from a police chasing a robber.

He lived to tell the tale and told me so.

As he passed away on 19th January 2015, I bid him farewell in the high heavens!

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