March 15, 2014

Visiting Chew Sang Peng at the UH

The Strength of Prayer to the Lord
Dateline: Time: 15 March 2014(Saturday)

It was a rude shock for me to get a phone call from Mrs. Chew that Sang Peng is now on palliative care at the University Hospital where he is being treated currently.

He came in on Tuesday (11 March) because of jaundice and his condition has worsened.

He is treated in Room 8 of the Surgical Ward, 7th Floor, Menara Utama of Universiti Hospital .

I called some old friends  who knew Chew on the phone as well as put out a message on the email.

 Joyce responded that she felt sad at this happening and Soraya and Kooi Ming felt the same.

Cheng Hong said she will visit him in UH and Francis said he will go to see Chew to pray for him once he has the first opportunity.

Choo Peen and I rushed to see him at the visiting hour window of 5-7 pm today.

We comforted Mrs Chew and asked her to be strong.

Chew was unconscious and was on oxygen support as well as morphine.

Mrs. Chew told us that the doctors are slowly reducing the medicine but has kept the morphine on a steady dose to assure Chew  a comfortable exit.

With some close friends from the Life Church ,we all prayed to Almighty God in the name of Lord Jesus for a miracle to happen here to restore Sang Peng to good health.

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