March 17, 2014

The Passing On of Chew Sang Peng


It was distressing to receive an sms after midnight from his wife that he has passed on in the late evening of 17 March 2014.

I knew that the palliative treatment regime was a slow go for Sang Peng as they reduced medication to his body for a comfortable exit and departure.

By Sunday, he was transferred to the 11th Floor of the Menara Utama; an indication that the end is near and it will be quick.

Today, he will be cremated at the Nirvana Crematorium in Section 21 , Shah Alam at 1 pm;some ashes will be kept in an urn at the nearby columbarium while the rest will be disposed at sea by the funeral home on behalf of his family.

Sadly his children, Sarah and Daniel will not be here to see the father off as they are in faraway Australia.

Today saw a passing of a great friend.


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