March 20, 2014

The Accused-Gang Rape and Criminal Solicitation

Rape and Criminal  Solicitation

This is one interesting movie about a Assistant District Attorney who plea-bargained a rape case for lesser charges that actually got the same sentence  for the rapists only to be told by the victim that what she did was not enough as she was not consulted on it and she was deem slutty in the public eye.

Realistic acting as a rape victim

Feeling morally wrong, she convinced her office to let those who urged on the rapists to be brought to justice as well by putting the rape victim on the witness stand to be corroborated by another independent witness.
The court found for the rape victim and those who raped her got the sentence extended to the full stretch of 5 years.

An interesting movie that add a twist to how justice is being served especially in  gang rapes and also for those who encouraged the act through the charge and conviction of criminal solicitation.

The Assistant District Attorney, Kathryn Murphy

Kelly McGillis stars as Kathryn Murphy and Jodie Foster played the rape victim, Saras Tobias.

Good movie.

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