March 12, 2014

MH370-Are We at the Cusp of Discovery?

Boeing 777-200 on Takeoff
Today's satellite photo from the Chinese authorities of a probable sighting of the wreck of an aircraft possibly MH370 certainly raise hopes for both SAR authorities and relatives of the ill-fated flight.

Spacious Indoors of   Boeing 777-200

Though it took 4 days for the satellite photo to be revealed which is humanely insane: a further mystery was how was it possible that the communication of a NZ worker on a oil rig at sea who saw a burning plane drop from the sky at the probable spot where MH370 disappeared, elicit no response from both his company and the authorities.

Now the US has apparently identified a  'ping' from the ill-fated airliner somewhere in the Indian Ocean.

Will we finally discover the whereabouts of MH370?

Bungle or Hijack?

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