February 12, 2014

The Philomena Odyssey

A Good Movie
Philomena Lee's tryst  on a fairground was to lead her to an unwanted pregnancy and the boy-child was subsequently taken away against her will and transported over the Atlantic Ocean to live with foster parents.

Judi and the real Philomena Lee
That in crux, are the foreboding  events that would lead to a journey for two of the protagonists as they traveled to America to find the boy, now called Michael Hess who has a brilliant career with two past American Presidents.

Visiting Lincoln Memorial

Sadly, too soon, they found that he died of AIDS.

Despite that, the story turned full circle with Michael actually going back to Ireland to look for his lost mother.

The movie is fraught with many issues particularly controversies  with regard to the  iron clad principles adopted by the Abbey that Philomena was raised in and its need to keep secrets even though such beliefs are archaic.

Unending Pursuit
Based on a true story, it may be boring at times as it is dialogue-based  but I believe that Dame Judi Dench and Steve Coogan did a wonderful job as protagonists Philomena Lee and Martin Sixsmith.

Like Nebraska, we are having senior actors and actresses  bringing beautiful stories to the silver screen this time around as we approached the Academy Award event.

Will Philomena win?

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