February 05, 2014

Lone Survivor-Human and Technology Blind Spots

A Sad Afghanistan Episode
This is a classic true story about bravery amidst hardship in enemy territory (Afghanistan) and the ineffectiveness of modern communication technologies.

Desperate Defense
Marcus Luttrel with a band of navy seals (The Red Wing) targeted the notorious  al Qaeda leader, Ahmad Shahd in late 2005. They apparently made an unwise on the spot decision to follow the international rules of engagement, letting go of their mountain herder prisoners. As expected information of their presence got to the Talibans and they were duly trounced by the Talibans with the sheer possibility of being decapitated if caught as prisoners.

Fear and Horror
The movie showcased the terrifying carnage of modern warfare where life is but a trifling of shattered bones,body parts and more gore and blood.

Bone Shattering Engagement
The movie attracted 2 Academy Award nominations.

Playing up the Talibans

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