February 20, 2014

Dysfunctional is the Key word for the Family Now

Inter-generational Clash of Values
Sometimes, in reflection, I believe most families do want to appear ideal.

At best, they hope that the lack of intra-family complaints, friction and quarrels  is representative of a fairly good functioning family.

Families that are strictly control by conventionality, conservatism and religion tend to be more conforming, subservient and tolerant of parenthood.

However, today  conventions is dying for most families. The authoritarian paternal and maternal figures are given nominal respect as religion continues to take a back seat due to knowledge explosion, science and technology and instantaneous  global communications.

Western culture-movies and songs-and the exported mores they bring along are slowly becoming part of the Y Generation as the concept of the strict father and mother figures disappear.

Dysfunctionality can also be the result of the clash of values within the family. When parents cannot share common values, the children will drift away buoyed by exported values or peer influence such as those now hooked to K-Pop or to Korean TV series.

So, dysfunctionality is change; a directional change. It may just become a trend-one that is antithetical to so-called good Asian family values that we have known for generations past.

I guess the modern society will become more and more  individualistic as families become dysfunctional.

Malaysia, like most Asian countries will go that way too!

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