February 13, 2014

Disturbing Genocide and Mass Murderers

Shocking Documentary
This documentary movie is about the annihilation of communists and other minority in the aftermath of the downfall of Sukarno in the 1965-66 period. It is truly disturbing especially when it came from the mouths of the protagonists of the inhumane acts themselves.

A celebration for mass murderers
The main characters in this documentary are Anwar Congo and Adi Zukandry who graduated from illegal cinema ticket sellers to death squad mass murderers and their recounting of their killing methods during this dark times of the Indonesian republic. Their notoriety includes killing by pulling wires around the necks of victims to extortion of Chinese shopkeepers as well as killing them; to burning whole villages that are associated with communists in Northern Sumatra.

Recalling the bloody times
Though the movie tries to rationalise for the assumed regrets of Anwar (who killed more than a thousand), the other characters do not unconscionably see any wrong in what they did.

Wire killing effectiveness
Today Anwar is recognised as the revered leader of the paramilitary organisation Pemuda Pancasila that will go into action to support the actions of both the military and the police because they believed that it is their job to rid the land of "trouble-makers"

Communist Village Carnage
To date, these mass murderers have never been held accounted for their crimes against humanity.

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