December 09, 2013

Post Election Inflation blues

Cry Fellow Rakyats!
It was not unexpected.

For all the excesses that were promised by the politicians during the elections, someone has to foot the bill.

So, hardly, into the sixth month after the 5th May GE, its payback time.

First, it was the reduction of subsidies for petrol and diesel at the pump, affecting all transport industries that will add to cost of all things. Then the sugar subsidy was taken away en bloc.

The unkindest cut is the 15% rise in Tenaga rates beginning January 2014 with a thumping multi-layered   effect increase for all residential use and industry too. Another inflation booster!

Now there are talks of increased assessment and also toll rate increases.

Can the poor lower income class and the pensioners take this all at one go?

Meanwhile, the politicians and senior public servants are increasing their salaries and allowances by leaps and bounds at the rakyat despair.

So, where do we go from here?

Is the slogan of  "Rakyat didahulukan" dead and frozen forever?

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