July 13, 2013

The Iron Biopic of Margaret Thatcher

Real Steel
The director of this 104 minutes biopic of the longest serving PM of Great Britain could have taken liberties to overdramatise the real-life character of this woman leader who steered Britain out of recession as well as victory in the Falkland Islands.

You may get disoriented by the constant flashbacks but I believe it is pretty well-knitted to literally give you a surface reflection of the life of Margaret Robert Thatcher.

It is certainly difficult to helm a government of men and especially in making tough decisions; of which the poll tax did Thatcher in.

Poor Chairing and the Killer Poll tax Decision
From watching this movie, I have a clearer understanding of this steely woman and the challenges she faced without family support after the death of Denis.

Good movie and great acting as usual from Meryl Streep!

As usual, she deserves the Academy Award for Best Actress!

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