January 06, 2013

My Burger Lab-Guinea Pigs Testing Trip

The Outfit
After watching the crowd lined up ever patiently day in and day out from 5 pm until the burgers ran out, we patronise My Burger Lab  behind our house in SEAPARK this evening.

It was opened by a group of frisbee players who pooled their funds to come out with this simple burger restaurant with its unique offerings.

Simple Decor
We wanted to taste its novelty and to identify its magic.

So, we ordered am 'A Burger' and 'A+ Burger' and a Beef Hangover Burger.

Menu Board
While the 'A Burger' was nice and cost about RM11.00, the Beef Hangover Burger was pretty expensive beyond RM20.00.

We had two baskets of potato chips sprinkled with oregano leaves with thousand island dip sauce. Strangely,our buns were truly black charcoal ones.

A Burger
Drinks were free-flowing but the burgers taste very Ramly burger and not Australian beef as they claimed.

Yes, the offering could be novel but I could not really see the magic of its all. There were few tables in the restaurant and you have to quickly eat and scoot off. If not, evil eyes will be staring down on you!

Chips with Thousand Island Sauce
I think maybe I will take a long cooling period before visiting it again.

Beef Hangover Buirger

Beautiful Mess

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