January 16, 2013

Flight-Inversion and Belly Descent

Flight Ace?
Is the premise of this celluloid presentation plausible?

Captain Whip Whitaker, the mother of all alcoholics pilots a plane in foul weather, took liquor while in the pilot seat and slept for more than twenty minutes while the second pilot took charge.

Drunken  Captain Whip Whitaker
Then a mishap occurred when the plane nose-dive. Going into manual mode, he inverted the plain in mid-dive, leveled it and flew it and finally landed belly down in a church field.

The charming Kelly Reilly
There were 6 casualty including a flight attendant he was having a tryst with.

Inverted Flight
For public consumption and to send the right message, the drunken captain confessed and was sent to prison for almost all of his natural life.

This is one brooding movie.
Vivacious Nadine Velazquez
Those  are the "bad things".

The good things, he was reunited with his son he never knew while serving prison and he kicked the alcoholic habit.

I would not want to say too much of this Robert Zemeckis movie but there were some tense moments.

Overall, it was watchable especially the pretty faces of Kelly Reilly and Nadine Velazquez.

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