January 24, 2013

Beguiling Hard Selling and the 13th GE

Political Viagra Salesman

It's definitely a home run for both the BN and PKR. So say  hard-sellers from both sides as the elections looms so wafer-thin near.

So, who do you think will make it to Putrajaya?

This elections will be so keenly fought that any of the front can come in. At best it will be a hot-breath win for PKR if it makes it or a by a nose-win for BN because of the goodies it has sown and the blitzkrieg that is hammered down day-after-day by the main stream media. Remember-BN also has the advantage of incumbency,the rural vote-bank and all the governmental apparatus in its arsenal.

Elixir of political life?
But remember too, that all this hard sell, tough talk, and double speak and promises galore may not get into the mind of the voters who by now after almost a year of election postponement boredom, have already decided who they want to vote. The die is cast. The mould is set.

For the PKR, they have two issues that have to be solved which is definitely tricky and thorny. One is the hudud issue that they cannot see eye-to-eye with their other two partners in the coalition. The other is the Syura Council's interpretation for the Arabic word for God. Both these issues will not be resolved. Period. So the electorate will have to chew on this as they cast their vote. It is definitely a downer for PKR but who knows.

Vote this party!
As for the BN, the immediate issues that they face are truly itchy and need to be scratched at source; at all cost. The RCI in Sabah has unearthed unspeakable undoings of the government apparatus especially the tainted Election Commission and the National Registration Department. Fears abound that what took place is currently being foisted onto the current PKR-run states. As this citizenship issue and the phantom voters debacle cannot be resolved in the short term,it is a downer for BN. The Arabic word for God issue is coming up at the wrong time and may impact Christian votes as well as decimate the precious fixed deposit in Sarawak and Sabah. More harm will be seen in Sabah.

The shocking price increase for food is killing the budget of the voting populace. Even before the Chinese New Year, things are just spiraling up for no rhyme and reason. The economy is key. No about of statistics and gobbledygook gimmicks can impress the man on the street if the pocket in his pants gets larger by the month! The perception that the government is not doing anything against inflation, high profile corruption cases as well as measures to alleviate street crimes will also dent the BN's chances of victory particularly in urban and semi-urban areas.

At this juncture, do not listen to surveys carried out by so-called neutral organisations. Their sample and timing is always suspect and just like the investor write ups of investment banks, they fail to materialise.

There is a saying, you may be misled if you are "standing too close to the board". Like the proverbial saying," Miss the forests for the trees", these hard-sell evangelists and tough talkers will  fall short of their predictions as they do not want to see the things that matters and like the ostrich, their heads are now  hidden "deep in the sand" while the predators are ready to pounce on the other parts of its body. No amount of Viagra can save them!

So, election date is near; and do vote wisely.

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