Remembered MC Hammer and his hit number, "You Can't Touch That!"?
Yo! That is what Tengku Razaleigh is telling UMNO.
Here, he is refering to himself- You Can't Touch Me!
And that he would not leave UMNO the way Kadir did.
So, it looks like he is playing confrontational 'Chicken' with Najib.
Who will be the first to blink and steer off from collision?
Najib or Razaleigh?
The gauntlet has been thrown.
Will Najib pick it up and dare Razaleigh to quit or get the boot!
That episode will unravel sooner or later.
The options are: Kick him out if he continue to say nasty things or pretend you do not know.
Your guess?
Perspectives of current issues, milestones of the author's life and snippets from everywhere
March 26, 2012
13th GE-The Battle for the Rural Heartland
Barisan Nasional's victories ever since independence has always been the rural heartland. Lose that and its game over,mate.
The early days of pre-Barisan Nasional stranglehold over the voting public until the May 13 Incident, was just that-win over the rural folks. Give them what they need in infrastructure. Victory is in your pocket!
Then was the era of development-It was the 'Needs' period.
Today, except for pocketfuls of rural areas that need the basic 'water, electricity and road' formula and the vast expanse of Sabah and Sarawak which continues to be difficult to access by road or rail,many young voting Malaysians have come of age. It is the 'I Want' period! This is the dynamics of the situation!
That many Malaysians have gone through tertiary education, gone overseas and read widely, have made them more aware of what is happening in the country. While in the past, it was the telephone that disseminates information, that changed with the fax machine. Today, the internet and the alternative media is posing immense challenges to sitting governments. It is in full multimedia! And can be manipulated totally for disinformation purposes!
Is Barisan losing the rural heartland in Peninsular Malaysia? Similarly, what is the true picture in Sabah and Sarawak. Has there been also a rural reawakening in these two states?
Barisan must remember that development politics is a two edged sword. As the people gets access to good roads, that also invite in opposition parties,the internet and the alternative media. Portable DVD players can screen any video onto a large screen which can work against the Barisan. Ease of infrastructure and technology can be a great equalizer!
Right now, BN is walking on eggs if they cannot resolve the listing of FGVB amicably. Losing half the settlers' support is real dicey in Malay heartland constituencies. It's going to be a touch-and-go if they should win.
It would be difficult to win this time around in strong urban areas. Urban areas are traditionally anti-government. Urban poverty is terrible and make voters to go against the establishment. Lately,the Chinese populace has too many issues with the government (Chiefly, Chinese school teachers) and this must be resolved if BN is to be able to hold back the opposition onslaught to secure victory. MCA has failed badly to resolve this particularly explosive problem!
What about the traditional kampungs? Can the government still depend on the village chieftains and the rural teachers? Again there is this remote possibility that these voters may have been alienated by the now aborted salary revision which favours the elite government servants. So, will be new add-on current scheme sway them back to the Barisan camp?
Except for UMNO which can be considered tenacious in possibly winning a big portion of their current seats in the best scenario,all other component parties are having both internal and external problems and these may easily cause the loss of such seats that have been allocated to them to the opposition.
For Gerakan,SUPP and PPP; it looks like they are confronting the 'last nail in the coffin' scenario.
For the MCA, they will likely be decimated except for one or two leaders who may win because of their pluck,luck, personality and the election machinery in their constituencies.
For others, it can be assumed it is one steep hill to run up given the awakening of the semi-urban areas. I do hope they have sufficient and sustainable stamina to oust the opponents.
As PM Najib trudged on and criss crossed the nation,in relentless 'hot breath' campaigning;little do we hear about the rest in UMNO or for that matter from component parties. Are they not campaigning as hard? Or have they been stung by the tze-tze fly?
Perhaps it is the muting period.
13th GE-Oraclers and Seers
Today, we have The Star jumping in as well in being a seer for the 13th GE.
It has looked at some analysts' forecast and has informed us that the GE will likely take place in September. And so goes the guessing game with red herrings galore,unlike in the USA when it has all been scheduled as if by tradition.
As usual the daily has its reasons for speculating the GE would likely occur in September and not in any of the earlier months except for June.
The basic premise is that many important issue need time for closure.
Then, there is the PM's travel to China and to the USA. The US event is insigniicfant. The two-day visit to China from March 31 he will attend the launch of the Qizhou Industrial Park in Nanning with his Chinese counterpart Wen Jiabao can certainly be postponed or downgraded and delegated to the DPM or even the MITI Minister.
The STAR believes that PM may want to go to the USA function and then have a family get-away there just before the GE.
As for August, The Star thinks it is unlikely as it is the puasa month cum Hari Raya festive season and preparations for the national day has also to be organised.
With April just days away, Barisan Nasional component parties are still busy resolving seat swapping issues and the list of candidates has yet to be finalised. [Believe me, this is a tedious process and unhappiness can be brewed along the way and hotspots may emerge.]
June looks likely to be a good window for the election still. If not, then it has to be held after July when the fasting month will begin.
"The whole of August will be taken up by the Hari Raya celebrations and the run-up to National Day" says an analyst,adding that Najib could take advantage of feel-good factors such as the holiday mood and the Merdeka anniversary spirit of patriotism.
If September was picked, another analyst said, it would have to be the first week of the month.
“It cannot be late September as the haj season would have begun, ending only in October.Then, there is the Parliament meeting from Sept 24 until Nov 27, where the Budget needs to be tabled. Once it is tabled, it has to be approved by the Dewan Negara, which means it (the Budget session) will drag on until next year,” he said.
“The Dewan Rakyat is unlikely to be dissolved once the Budget has been tabled. It has to go all the way with the two Houses adopting it.”
Will The Star be the true prophet?
And so the guessing game continues................
No Winds of Change-Najib's Detractor
Najib proclaimed he feels the winds of change in his meetings with the Indian community lately. He believes that he has won them over to the side of BN. His nambikai remains intact.
Now, a detractor has come forward to pour icy cold water over his optimism.
The Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS) has claimed it has conducted surveys and studies to glean information about this assertion and their feedback from the rakyat has demonstrated this is not necessarily so.
The felt no strong winds blowing from the community to the side of BN. The community, it seems,does not have confidence and full trust in the BN government as many issues have still not been fulfilled.
MIPAS believes the BN has failed the Indian community as Najib’s Nambikai trust has not fulfilled their needs because many of them are still without MyCards and birth certificates.
Statistics has shown Indians only comprise 3.2 per cent of employees in the government sector when it rightly should be about seven per cent.
On the recent announcments of full scholarships to the top 100 students from the Indian community who graduate with first-class honours from public universities, they felt it could be a tall order as there are not many Indian students in public universities.
They claimed that the government affirms that every vote is equal but when it comes to policy and implementation it is not equal. The cogent example they gave was the reluctance of the government to alienate land to the Indian landless.
MIPAS believes BN can expect an easy victory only in Johor, Malacca and Pahang in the 13th general election.
This is what has been predicted by Daim as well.
Are we having a Delphi at work here, somewhow?