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March 26, 2012
No Winds of Change-Najib's Detractor
Najib proclaimed he feels the winds of change in his meetings with the Indian community lately. He believes that he has won them over to the side of BN. His nambikai remains intact.
Now, a detractor has come forward to pour icy cold water over his optimism.
The Malaysian Indians Progressive Association (MIPAS) has claimed it has conducted surveys and studies to glean information about this assertion and their feedback from the rakyat has demonstrated this is not necessarily so.
The felt no strong winds blowing from the community to the side of BN. The community, it seems,does not have confidence and full trust in the BN government as many issues have still not been fulfilled.
MIPAS believes the BN has failed the Indian community as Najib’s Nambikai trust has not fulfilled their needs because many of them are still without MyCards and birth certificates.
Statistics has shown Indians only comprise 3.2 per cent of employees in the government sector when it rightly should be about seven per cent.
On the recent announcments of full scholarships to the top 100 students from the Indian community who graduate with first-class honours from public universities, they felt it could be a tall order as there are not many Indian students in public universities.
They claimed that the government affirms that every vote is equal but when it comes to policy and implementation it is not equal. The cogent example they gave was the reluctance of the government to alienate land to the Indian landless.
MIPAS believes BN can expect an easy victory only in Johor, Malacca and Pahang in the 13th general election.
This is what has been predicted by Daim as well.
Are we having a Delphi at work here, somewhow?
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