There were many who predicted that the aftermath of the 13 General Elections may be a hung Parliament.
The soothsayer Daim who predicted the outcome of the 12th General Elections quite correctly, is reading entrails and tea-leaves these days. As he fleshes out the issues facing the BN, he also saw the foreboding shadow of a hung Parliament. This is certainly not good for PM Najib.
Today, even PM Najib spoke about it. The thought has certainly crossed his mind.
In the short time window before him before April 2013 when he will be compelled to call the GE, he is doing his level best to win over the hearts of the people. He is good in optics and his hand-outs certainly can do the trick.
As a political observer, I see worrying concerns in the BN camp.
Trouble is Najib is not having a good team in UMNO; and certainly not in the albatrosses-slung-on-their necks MCA, Gerakan, SUPP,PPP and MIC component parties. Every time he advances, they drag him back like a full blown parachute!
To make matters worse, the global economy continues to be uncertain with the people suffering from inflation woes that seems to get worse every month.
The question on everyone's lips is this?
Is real fear coming over the BN camp?
Perspectives of current issues, milestones of the author's life and snippets from everywhere
March 19, 2012
Daim-Not So Quiet These Days
Wah, this man has really got many things to say these days.
When he was walking in the corridors of power, he was known as Quiet Daim; saying things as briefly as possible, fearful of being misquoted.
When asked about the stock market then, he said ‘buy’ and there was a flurry of frenzy buying. When the market could not sustained and fell, he replied he was being misquoted. What he actually said and meant was ‘Bye-bye’ to the market.
After speculating on the odds for the BN government to win more seats as well as to regain its two-third majority in Parliament and some state governments in the forthcoming General elections, he has popped up again to talk about mundane topics such as houses, jobs, schools, inflation and prices of goods.
On housing, he says the prices of residential properties in Malaysia are too high, and far beyond the people's ability to afford them, urging the government to expedite control measures and stop irresponsible, greedy developers.
He pointed out that the comments of real estate industry players that the country’s property prices were lower than some neighbouring countries were misleading.
On claims by developers and real estate agents that there was no property bubble in Malaysia and prices here were lower than in countries such as Singapore and Hong Kong, Daim said, "of course, they are earning more than us".
He said Singaporeans on average, were earning higher than the average Malaysians, and Hong Kong had limited land whereas land is plentiful in Malaysia.
On the steep hike in property prices in the last two years, he said "they are going up like crazy".
He said the government's relaxation on the real property gain tax in the past and the central bank's relaxation on lending policies and guidelines on housing loans had given rise to too much speculative activities in the industry.
He said the high-end properties were beyond the reach of Malaysians.
Even foreign buyers were being put off, he said, adding that only the mid-range properties were still doing well.
He advised the government to be clear that the people wanted affordable housing which can increase in value over the years.
The people also wanted a job, with a pay that was able to meet their needs, he said.
Next come good schools and reasonable prices of goods, he added.
"If the government takes care of the people's needs, they would not consider changing the government," he said.
Daim also agreed with the implementation of the minimum wage policy but said that productivity must be raised in tandem. At the same time, the government must control inflation, he added.
Pointing out that a person who earns RM3,000 a month will find it hard to survive in Kuala Lumpur nowadays, he felt that the minimum wage should be set at RM1,200 a month.
My Comments:
There are many people earning below this amount and they are hard-pressed to survive in KL, JB and in Selangor. Rents are high, food is expensive and tolls can really be a nuisance on the pocket-book.
Can the government really come up with some ad-hoc and long-term solutions?
For pensioners and the retirees, are there going to be some Malaysian bonds and sukuk funds for subscription soon as the banks are still fleecing them right now with the low interest regime?
My Son-Earning his Keep
Well, today 19 March is indeed a milestone day for my son.
Today, he starts to earn his keep and no longer will be fully dependent on me.
He is now an inn-keeper of sorts, working in a boutique hotel in SS2,about a half-hour walk from our home.
Pay is okay at above RM1,500 for an 8-hour stint with a day of leave every fortnight. For those who want to increase their take-home pay, they can work on the day of leave on over-time.
The down-side is the grave-yard shift from 12 midnight to 8 the next morning.
Work was not difficult, he recounted of his first work day. There was another guy working with him and together they see to the needs of the hotel guests. An Indonesian maid does all the house-keeping and cleaning.
To make himself useful on his first day, he repaired the hotel's broken-down computer by re-wiring the power unit and stopped the computer from over-clocking.
He also had to check out some guests in the morning.
Room rates starts from RM60 for a single-bed room to a two queen-size bed room costing RM138.00 nightly. Check out time is 3 pm.
There is also a dress code. His shirt must be white and his long pants black. He must also wear black shoes.
I do not know when his probation will end though; as he is still feeling around the new job.
Haunting Nostalgia of the Early 70s
If you were undergraduate in the early 1970s, you would have sang these songs and danced to them on campus or in the discos.
They were great songs and music and we can swear by our fondness for them each time they come on over the FM radio.
Some of us may associate someone in time past by these songs or have danced in your bell-bottoms with loved ones in courting.
My favourites were Neil Diamond's Shilo and Girl You will be a Woman Soon; The Hollies', Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress and Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water.
They were great songs and music and we can swear by our fondness for them each time they come on over the FM radio.
Some of us may associate someone in time past by these songs or have danced in your bell-bottoms with loved ones in courting.
My favourites were Neil Diamond's Shilo and Girl You will be a Woman Soon; The Hollies', Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress and Deep Purple's Smoke on the Water.
Tell-tale Signs of Aging?
I remembered someone telling me that if you tend to drop things often, that means age has caught up. Your motor nerves are no longer the way they are to promote coordination of movement.
The other thing is losing things accidentally or misplacing them. If these occurrences becomes more frequent, that would not augur well.
Like today, I lost a food coupon given to me on the occasion of a public function. Unless, it was pick-pocketed out of my shirt pocket,the likelihood is that it has fallen out of my pocket and I was unaware of it.
So, the next time, you are given something of some value, keep it in a safe place.
Do not be reckless as it can slip and fell out easily from your pockets.