March 19, 2012

My Son-Earning his Keep

Well, today 19 March is indeed a milestone day for my son.

Today, he starts to earn his keep and no longer will be fully dependent on me.

He is now an inn-keeper of sorts, working in a boutique hotel in SS2,about a half-hour walk from our home.

Pay is okay at above RM1,500 for an 8-hour stint with a day of leave every fortnight. For those who want to increase their take-home pay, they can work on the day of leave on over-time.

The down-side is the grave-yard shift from 12 midnight to 8 the next morning.

Work was not difficult, he recounted of his first work day. There was another guy working with him and together they see to the needs of the hotel guests. An Indonesian maid does all the house-keeping and cleaning.

To make himself useful on his first day, he repaired the hotel's broken-down computer by re-wiring the power unit and stopped the computer from over-clocking.

He also had to check out some guests in the morning.

Room rates starts from RM60 for a single-bed room to a two queen-size bed room costing RM138.00 nightly. Check out time is 3 pm.

There is also a dress code. His shirt must be white and his long pants black. He must also wear black shoes.

I do not know when his probation will end though; as he is still feeling around the new job.

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