December 24, 2012

Season of Grace;Season of Giving for X'mas and New Year 2013

Season of Goodwill and Kindness
Well, it's that time of the year again;

When we wish and pray for all dear and near, the very best of our love and affection;

It's that time of year when we pray for grace from our Father in Heaven;

To touch the lives; and reclaim good health of those who are in pain and in sickness;

Is that time of the year when we renew our bonds of friendship with loved ones;

When we forgive and forget all the misunderstandings that the world has brought upon us;

To recall the challenges that we overcame and recognize those yet to be overcome;

To all these close ones be they friends, relatives and even foes:

We wish them all goodwill among men and peace and blessings;

Merry X'mas and a joyous New Year 2013.


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