December 10, 2012

Lynas-Blurred Imperatives and Inadequate Legal Minds?

Big Investment Mistake!

If there is a classic case of miscommunication and disinforamtion, it must be the Lynas controversy.

This issue has been around since the very day a temporary operating licence has been issued to the Australian company to process rare earth remotely from its own native shores.

After the scientific and safety aspects have been "sort" of endorsed by the Malaysian licensing authorities, here comes the slam-dunk from Lynas itself.

It is not exporting the processed wastes.

And so the hullabaloo begins again to take center stage.

Misinformation and disinformation. Who has the final say here?

Are the people going to suffer?

Is it true that Lynas does not have to export the waste out of Malaysia as a crystal clear  licensing condition after all?

The Bamboozled Four?
Or is the full Najib Cabinet and the 4 directly responsible Ministers been hoodwinked by Lynas or by the inefficiency of legal minds in the government  AG Office even in drafting matters?

We have yet to see the end of this long drawn out fangled matter.

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