November 04, 2012

Is the Truth Coming Home to Roost At Last?

Under Siege?
Reading the article by Moaz Nair in the Malaysia Chronicle  today titled,  "PAS and PKR Already Replacing UMNO Baru: A New Paradigm in Malays Politics"  is indeed like a soul being bared for all to see.

Is there truthfulness in his assertions?

Is UMNO now chiefly  driven by the nefarious money motive with non-Malay business people participating in the background??   Has UMNO become so bad that his hypothesis may just hold water?

Moonlight Aglimmer?

The truth is somewhere in between, out there possibly not being the dominant culture of UMNO as yet but the wind-vane of politics is pointing that way and at increased speed velocity especially with the exposure of the flammable  NFC debacle, the mysterious Musa Aman-Michael Chia  millions and the almost amusing Nazri episode with the Hummer.

I wonder whether it is UMNO's own undoing that is creating all these problems, slowly unearthing worms in concealed cans thus far?

Graft Busting
While PAS plays the religious card to their advantage and with PKR playing on the corruption issues with such intensity, the scenario may see the propensity of more semi-urban seats falling into the hands of the Opposition,  particularly those allocated to MCA, Gerakan, MIC and PPP.

Even traditional UMNO seats  may fell to PR if they put in strong, capable and trusty second echelon leaders.

I wonder what will be PM Najib's strategy in the face of this possible sea-change if it should come.

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