October 29, 2012

Sylockian Attitude Rules the Roost

Will Never have the old Man's Stature
He is not his father, that is for sure.

His attitude? Not even friendly to minority share-holders.

Where his father is benevolent to the old and aged that attends the Group company's AGMs, he stands apart.

Like that terse scion from Genting, the power has gone to the upper end of the human body of this corporate newbie as well.

While it may have not been apparent in the case of BJ Media, where door gifts were the same for all shareholders, the practice departed with BJ Sports Toto. It continued with BJLand.

A shareholder with 99 shares will get a lousy door - gift of inferior value.

Today, the door gifts for BJ Corp was really stratified. Like the social classes of human society. It has become an art for these new corporate gung-hos.

Hey, a shareholder is a shareholder; whether he attends personally or by proxy!

He has equal rights and privileges.

However, not these Berjaya people- me no unnerstand---lor.....

So, they play King-kong.

If you have 1000 units, you get the best door-gift deal. You get  RM 20 KRR, RM 20 Starbucks,RM 10 Krispy Kreme and also a food voucher to dine at the Coffee-house or Chinese Restaurant; and before I forget, also a recyclable canvas bag!

For 100 units and above, you get a better value pack. All the food vouchers but no bag.

Woe betide those with less than 100 units. They only get RM 20.00 of KRR.

Stupid policy; and also no more hotel stay. Aiyayah! kalawoleh!

What a bird!

While it was a joy to own Berjaya shares in the past,  today they are down in the dumps.

For instance:

BJ Toto was about RM5.40. Today it is RM4.30

BJLand was about RM 1.10. Today it is 89 sen

BJMedia was about 70 sen. Now it is 40 sen.

Berjaya Assets was RM 1.10. Now it is 89 sen as well

BJ Corp was RM 1.30. Now it is 60 sen!

Cry Cry Cry!

Berjaya counters tak boleh pakai!

Woit! Birdie-birdie Num Num! Apa macam?

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