October 31, 2012

RCE RCPS-Doggone!

And so it came to passed.

There is a principle in law. The thing speaks for itself.

As such there is no need for witness or evidence.

 Open and shut case.

The Hainanese has a word  for a good for nothing or rotten person.


It is called Phooi Bhoot!

The Hokkien has a word version referring similarly to such person as chau chua!

dead dreams
The RCE RCPS is really chau chua!

I will murder... take my revenge?
All sellers and no buyers.

Gelak ketawa!

Such is the RCE exercise in irrelevance.

Stupid Arab Bank?
The winner is Hong Leong Investment Bank  with RM1.2 million for professional advice and POS Malaysia with fat postage stamps revenue in the bank.

Send some more-lah!

And the losers are shareholders and the forest which had to be fell to make paper for the useless RCPs to be printed.

Nothing good came out of the exercise.

A lost Cause...these RCPs!
It is best for Azman to buy it all up!

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