October 24, 2012

Lady Luck and YTL Power Warrants

So much demand for the warrants

For those who applied for excess warrants which was offered by YTL Corp to its shareholders, the chances of obtaining them seems quite remote.
From the announcement made to Bursar KL, the over-subscription rate is 125.53%. On those offered the warrants, 98.14% accepted them through subscription whereas the balance representing 12,837,712 will be distributed to those who applied for excess shares based on the policies set forth by the Board of Directors; namely odd lots will be rounded up to tradeable lots and the balance be distributed accordingly based on the number of shares held by the applicant at the time of application. If there are any excess shares after that, these will be distributed to those who applied for it through subscription.
For those who applied for the warrants, they should receive a notice of allotment by 25 October. Both allotted warrants and successful excess warrants will be deposited into the applicants’ CDS on 31 October 2012.
Lady Elusive?
So were you lucky?
If not, get ready to en-cash your returned cheques.
For me, I have RCE’s RCPS on the way and if they are are worth it, I should try my luck here.
I am not too sure of the value as they do valuation so differently these days.

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