October 18, 2012

ASTRO-A Falling Star

Goodbye,glory days
"No milk today,

My moolah has gone away."

As for newly re-listed Astro, it lost is astral status and has fallen!

Ananda's stock has turned from gold into tungsten.

As with Bumi Armada, his stocks are a let down save for Maxis.

So friends, without an ex-PM belakang of him, Ananda is no longer Midas.

He spins gold no more and may be is making his exit with as much moolah he can carry off.

Astro is one of these.

So IPO winners are caught with bad Ananda stocks.

For those who wanted to cash out this morning, worry abounds as who has manipulated the price this low.

Who are these suckers who sold? No, my friend-not suckers but nasty opportunists and crooked raiders!

The answer is right up the alley!

This is a dastardly job done by short sellers and day traders.

No sane person will sell at that price when the IPO price is RM 3.00; lost and allow brokerage charges to be taken by a trader.

Foolhardy at its darndest!

At the time of posting, Astro is  trading at RM 3.10.

No one should sell this stock without  getting a clean profit of at least RM 300.00.

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