October 30, 2012

Bad Food, Broken Trust

Broken trust!
It was one of the worst traffic snarl in a long while.

I was caught for almost an hour and the toll plaza at the Kerinchi Link.

Traffic was hardly moving on the Federal highway though we almost caught a breeze on the Cheras road leading to Bandar Sri Permaisuri, even as the traffic caught up with us on the approach road to the new township.

As it was impossible to drive back in the glacier like traffic, we stopped at this Malay restaurant to have a bite. We thought we passed it a while ago and it was serving  kampung fried rice with that aromatic salt fish flavour.

Sorry, no such dish. Imagine that!

So we ordered an ikan pari, so-called Portuguese style which was at best, insipid without the sambal and the local salad.

I could tolerate the Mee Bandung.

The chicken goreng  rempah was so miserable; you just wanna laugh or on second thoughts, cry! It was so scawnnily small.

The fruit drinks we ordered, mango and star-fruit were okay.

Cost me RM 31.00.

Verdict- lousy.

Tears won't help here!
No need for apologies!!

Never darken their doorways again!

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