September 24, 2012

The Need for Domain Knowledge

Undue Pressure
Not everyone can write.

Again even if you are good in writing English, it still does not mean that you can write well on a subject.

The matter become more onerous if you are given a free-lance engagement which demands that you know that subject at the back of your hand and also have that prescriptive mindset to come out with imperative strategies and polices.

And now back to my writing job with this European Consulting company. I guessed the schedule and datelines were pretty tight which became almost non-negotiable when they need to keep hidden in-house datelines.

Truth be told, I managed to do about three chapters before the consulting company and the client company decided to co-write the paper as they were virtually 'running after a train'.

As the other subsequent 4 chapters were prescriptive in nature and includes recommendations as to a model they would like to recommend to the client for technology adoption, my engagement  could not continue because of their change in modus operandi.

It also taught me something.

The consulting company should have got a technology domain writer in the first place.

I could edit the document given my English capability.

Looking back, it was good exposure and experience.

Yes, there was also undue pressure!

They paid me for my time.

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