September 18, 2012

On the Way to ACCAdom-Hitting the Books!

Dry Comprehension
Well, for everything there will be  phases.

A time to sow and a time to harvest. A time to study and a time to rejoice..if you succeed, that is.

For my son, today is Day 1 at Sunway University--Management Accounting with Mr Tan. So my son was in  class whether he likes it; or disdains the opening upshot of a grueling 3 hour drone of a lecture!

Could be tough handling comprehension of academic English and the desert-sand dry subject at one go.

Anyway, it would be a challenge to him. Challenges toughen a person.

Yesterday, he was already poring over the notes to ready himself for this morning's lecture.

So, I quipped, " New vacuum cleaner, sweeps clean, doesn't it?"

May not be so technologically appropriate but the message hums true as well, I believe so.

And I also had one philosophical advice for him-Don't lose the forest for the trees!

Anyway ,will ask him in the afternoon, how the lecture went.

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