September 29, 2012

Budget 2013-Gimme Gimme Good Loving!!

Santa Clauses-Every one of them!!! Chai Sen Tau!
Oh, yes.... what can we say?

Gimme Gimme  Good Loving!!

Yeah, every night....

So it was like that yesterday after Budget Speech 2013.

Absolute euphoria for many parties.

The government servants were whipped up to seventh heaven frenzy!

 Another bonus just after Hari Raya!

So it will be great months-December 2012 and January 2013 for orang gomen!

And what would I get?

BR1M ? No--lah.

RM250 for my son's who is yet to get it if he turns 21 as he is still a bujang?, Mungkin...

RM200 if my son wants to purchase a 3-G hand-phone. Also possible.

RM250 book voucher. May be so,too.........

Income tax one point favour and flavour.... no...lah passed my time...lor...

BR1M RM500  for my daughter boleh juga

RM250 for my daughter who is a bujang--mungkin juga...

50%  of KTM Kommuter---possible also.

50% Passport-just in time....

RM500 for pensioners... Ya! Wahloi...

I hope there is no inflation pain after this!!!

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