August 22, 2012

Visiting Father on 19 August 2012

Father at 88

It may be the first day of Hari Raya Aidil Fitri. 

They may give me a rebate of 30% for using the NSE.

Whatever it was, I took the opportunity from teaching at a neighbourhood tuition centre to visit Father.

He had a fall two weeks back.

The doctors after examining him found a fracture and an apparent 'flattening' of his lower leg bone. However, due to his age of close to 88 years, they do not recommend any surgery.

So, along with my mother and Shaline we journeyed back to Malacca. There was little traffic and we got home in good time.

We bought durians as Father likes them; so did Mother.

Good to see Father and he was also in a good mood to see us.

After observing his movement, I believe his inability to walk could be attributed not only to weak legs but also his weakening leg and thigh muscles as he lacked exercise.

As for his incontinence, I think it is because he has back problems and the nerves impacted by his vertebrae's  dislocation could have lead to his inability to hold urine.

I bought him 5 packets of TEANA adult diapers. It should last a while.

At 2.30pm we left for Kuala Lumpur.

I intend to stop teaching next year to concentrate on writing and consulting.

This should give me ample opportunity to visit Father and Mother.

1 comment:

  1. We have to visit father more often as he is advanced in age. He needs love. Take good care of him.
