August 17, 2012

The Cheaper Malaysian Millionaires

Mansion Style Billionaires
The On-line STAR today (18 Aug 2012) featured a very interesting topic today-Cheap Malaysian Millionaires.

Yes, they can be still carry the label millionaires but it is no longer a big deal anymore. Though they can lay claim to that status because of their rapidly appreciating properties, they do not feel any richer, living a mediocre middle income life perhaps on similar levels to a high-salaried person from the working class category.

These cheapo millionaires can include those who had the wherewithal to spend investment money for their children’s education especially in twinning programmes with a possible year or two overseas.

Having numbers but not the lifestyle, they are the constant victim of runaway inflsation in Malaysian A ringgit in Janaury fetches perhaps less than 50% in December in a calendar year. Boo Hoo!

Billionaires, however, remain rare. Malaysia now has 30 billionaires, just three more from the 27 on the list last year.

The Wall Street Journal (WSJ) reported last year that Malaysia's millionaires almost doubled over the previous 18 months. 

A report by international financial firm ,Credit Suisse Groupstated that Malaysia have added 19,000 new millionaires since early 2010, bringing the total to 39,000 as of October 2010.

Those who invested their money wisely had benefited the most duing this period.

“In a free market and capitalist economy like Malaysia, people who have capital can generate millions,” says Dr Yeap of RAM, emphasizing that many in the upper-income bracket had accumulated wealth past the million-ringgit mark.

Personal financial consultant Carol Yip said the rising cost of living had lessened the feeling of being rich.

“Today, even a small apartment can cost half a million,” she said.

She said careful spending was not a factor for the increase in the numbers of millionaires.

“If we are spending less, we won't be seeing so many luxury cars on the road,” she said.

She said the rise in millionaires was also due to property prices which have shot up exponentially, adding that the definition should not include the value of the house that one was living in.

So, are you in this category of cheap-going-cheaper inflation millionaire?

Nah, not me!

1 comment:

  1. If you were to throw a pebble into the crowd at KLCC it tends to hit a millionaire.
