August 15, 2012

The AMMB Boo-Boo

Please be more pro-active!
Strange that a big bank who has organised many AGM/EGMs could fumbled big time today at this year annual AGM held at Berjaya Time Square.

Something was really amiss when shareholders who had rushed through heavy maddening KL traffic jams to got to the meeting was greeted with such dismay.

So, what  greeted them?

Hampa!  Perassan hampa! Mistreated!

Here you see these unsympathetic Symphony House  intermediaries registering shareholders. Some of these share registrars had gift coupons  to give out while others have ran out of them. So those without coupons to hand out conveniently  got rid of these unfortunate shareholders by waving them away, saying " No more gifts or breakfast but you can attend the AGM."

What a shame, Symphony House! Have more professionalism-lah!

So unfeeling, these people from the service industry.

I was certainly unhappy that the AMMB staff that stood behind these Symphony House people did not bat an eye to help out by getting more gift coupons for these shareholders. They might as well be invisible! Double shame on you!

The strangest thing was there were so many gifts still to be collected. As the shareholders who came late has no coupons to avail themselves to these gifts, the officers manning the gift counters were just standing like trees, unable to dole out those recycle bags of gifts.

So, Mr Squeaky Clean CEO, do something. I think Tan Sri Chairman would have cried seeing all those old shareholders being roundly denied of their door gifts!

Make sure such a boo-boo does not happen again. Make sure AMMB boleh!

Makes sure you have proactive AMMB people at the registration counters who will  have enough gift coupons ready to give out.

After all, you already have the proxy forms in hand of those who are coming for the AGM.

'First come,first serve is one real bad policy, Tan Sri!"

So, AMMB, learn and you may yet be considered a good bank to invest in.

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