August 09, 2012

Gratings,Fencing and Danger

When times get bad, the bad gets going.

Look!  Wahloi! It's gone!
And so it seems.......................

So, in one fell swoop, the raiders of metal gratings stormed into SEAPARK, PJ in the wee hours of one morning and pried away these metal pieces that is meant for drain  maintenance. They then fenced it off to unscrupulous traders in the metal trade for quick cash.

My way
These man-hole covers are really important, providing public safety. You can literally fell into one exposed manhole and break some of your teeth!

Red Flagging
When I was in Manila a couple of decades back, a few of us Malaysian students at the Asian Institute of Management were on the way to the residence of the Malaysian Ambassador to have dinner in conjunction with Merdeka Day.

Tyre Deterrent
Walking on the pavement, one of our friends Kee Boo just disappeared. Suddenly we heard a moan and then a shout. Mama Mia! He has fallen into a uncovered man-hole. Fortunately, except for some cuts on the arms, Kee Boo had one lucky escape.

Plank will do
See the novel ways residents have temporarily covered these dangerous walk-way gaps.

The local authorities must find a way of sealing such gratings in some permanent ways to deter thieves such as attaching them semi-permanently on to the concrete.

Sugarcane leaves? Scary-lah this one!

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