August 09, 2012

Fear is the Key

Fear is Crippling
Malaysia is suffering from perception problems.

Crime is low as bailed out by police statistics.

But then, why is there fear in the air?

Why are shops and offices closing so much earlier than usual?

Is there a key to safeguard the innocent populace?

Why is that worried, hurried,' looking over your shoulder' look so prevalent these days that we see almost everywhere as dusk falls?

Like from some bad movies.

The truth?

Somewhere beyond statistics.

The number of crime graphically described  in the virtual social network from blogs to Facebook attest to the horrors of street crimes and daylight robberies. The frequency of such happenings is shocking. The apparent fear is no one can be safe anymore.

Politically, in Sabah in various districts are purported reports of being overwhelmed by foreign elements. Fear is real;no longer apparent.

Are our borders that porous?

Or is that problem an opportunity for many to maintain the status quo politically as fear is the key?

Angela's Happiness Pursuit. Don't We All?

Angelina Jolie wants happiness in her heart. That is key.

We all desire that too-to live not in fear.

To be secure in our search for happiness.

Is Malaysia safe anymore?

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